Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Little Katherine Kasper

Little Katherine started her schooling on May 8, 1826.according to her own account she was frail and delicate health and could not attend classes regularly. But when she was able to present she displayed such zeal and comprehension that the teacher who became aware of her intelligent answers remarked on one occasion, "Katherine, if you could be here regularly, you could be my best student'.

Nevertheless, as talented she was, she did not like all subjects. In an intimate conversation late she revealed in later years "I had preference for religion and reading and did not care for anything else. "She quickly and easily understood religious instructions and even as child could faithfully repeat what she had heard, so that if
her parents so desired she would climb on chair and recite parts of the sermon heard in the church.

The innocent receptive soul of the child was strangely moved whenever the topic of religious instructions touched upon vocation to the religious life, community practices and vows – unusual at a time of dormant faith and community practices and vows. At such periods a fervent love for God and an intense desire for complete dedication to Him filled the soul of Katherine. Few people of her environment had an understanding for such things and were baffled by her.

"Give me, O Lord, a strong will and perceiving zeal to live and work according to all the principles of our Holy Faith" (Bl. Mary Katherine Kasper)

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Bl. Mary Katherine Kasper

The life described in these pages is indeed a rich life. Rich not in the standards and measurement of the world, but rich in the understanding of faith. The treasures of the servant of God consisted in her work and efforts, her stuggles and conquests, her graces and virtues; they were her poor, the infirm and the dear children – supernatural treasures indeed.

On May 26th 1820 the little daughter of the pious couple Henry Kasper and Katherine Nee Fasel saw the light of the world in Dernbach. In her baptism on May 31, she received the name Katherine. This favored child was to carry the fame of her native village far across and beyond the confines of her country.

Katherine's birthday coincided with the feast of St. Philip Neri, her baptismal day with the feast of St. Angela Merci. Both saints,founders of religious communities, seem to indicate by their lives the direction that the spiritual life of Katherine was to take according to the plants of divine providence.

The parents of Katherine was simple country flock and lived modest circumstances. Economic conditions at that time was such that one could not generally speak of the as prosperous.

They inculcated in her a humble, God fearing disposition. Both father and mother faithful and conscientious Christians, sought to direct their children in the teachings and the precepts of the Lord.

"In God everything is good, if we ask for that understanding. Let us often meditate on the dear child Jesus from the manger to the cross, at everything that happened to Him, at all that He endured and suffered." (Bl. Mary Katherine Kasper)

Quotes From Mother Mary Katherine Kasper

Let Us Thanks Our Loving God Continuously,
Nothing is a Matter of Pure Chance,
Everything Comes From The Most High.

- Mother Mary Katherine Kasper -

Monday, 26 August 2013

Chain Rosary August - October 2013

Chain Rosary 
August - October 2013

An Intiative by PHJC - St. Mary's Province, India

We Initiate a Chain Rosary 24 X 7 Whole Month From August to October 2013 End, For a Common Need of  PHJC Community, For The World and For The Individual Needs of Each of Us;  We Would Like You to Join With Us In Any of Our Time slots in This Excel Sheet  to Offer Rosary With Our Holy Mother Mary To Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Our All Intentions. 

Please Write Your Name and Your Need of Prayer in The Committed Time Slot 

Or Send an Email to regarding Your Prayer Request, So that You can Able to Join With Us In This Chain Rosary. 

Or You May Also Send Prayer Request From Our Blog

May Our Heavenly Father Accept Our Prayers In The Name of His Son and Our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!

Common Intentions and PHJC Intentions

For the Intentions of Our Sister General and For the Intentions of Our Provincials and Administration of Our Both Provinces In India; For All Our Sisters, Novices and For Our Missions In India.

For The Intentions of The Holy Catholic Church, Priests and Religious Sisters.

For All Souls In Purgatory,

And,  For All Who are In Need of Prayerful Support and For All The Intentions of Those Who Signed to Pray With Us In This Initiative.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Revelation of God In Blessed Katherine Kasper

I would like to share a paper work I done on Our Foundress Blessed Mother Mary Katherine Kasper. The work of summarising this book helped me to understand more deeply about our Foundress and I am Sure It Will Also Help You Too to Get Understand Our Blessed Mother and Our Congregation More.

It is not ones ability that make him/her an instrument in the hands of God but the willingness to do his will. - Mother Mary Katherine Kasper -

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Quotes From Mother Katherine Kasper

Do We Love Contempt, Self -Discipline, Silence And Do We Avoid Unkind And Wicked Words Against Our Neighbours; Do We Love Poverty With All Its Sacrifice? Do We Love Obedience? Do We Always Seek To Please The Good God, To Full Fill His Holy Will, In A Word, Do We Imitate God Alone?

- Katherine Kasper -

Teachings of Blessed Mother

Let us thank our loving God that in His soundless love, goodness and mercy He has called us to be the Congregation through His grace and love, and showered upon each one of us and all of us the abundance of His Grace. 

- Blessed Katherine Kasper -

Friday, 16 August 2013

Quotes From Mother Katherine Kasper

"Let Us Test Our Love Of The Cross As We Follow Our Dear Savior. Are We Becoming More Humble And Gentle, More Patient And Peaceful, More Willing To Make Sacrifices, More Indulgent Of The Weakness And Frailties Of Our Neighbours, More Compassionate With The Poor And The Needy And Greatful For Our Sufferings."

- Katherine Kasper -

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Ways to Grow Your Happiness

“At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” 
- Alan Alda -

Your truth is in your mind, anything you believe in creates your reality.

If you can simply let go and trust that things will work out the way they’re supposed to you’ll be able to enjoy any life experience with the freedom that this mindset creates.

Find the path that best suits your calling and don’t settle until you’ve found it.

One becomes beautiful by finding beauty in what’s already within.

Focus on what you love instead of what you dislike and you’ll end up finding more joy and more love in life.

Even though you cannot control everything that happens, you can control your attitude toward what happens. And in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.
- Karina Loureiro -

Friday, 9 August 2013

Quotes From the Messages of Blessed Mother

One Grace I ask of you O loving God, that I May Continually and Persistently Cooperate with Your Grace and do Everything as you will.

(Bl. Mary Katherine Kasper.)

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Quotes From Blessed Katherine Kasper

Blessed. Mother Mary Katherine, 

We Your Daughters Love You For Showing The Right Path, To Serve, The Lord Being His Humble Handmaids And Doing His Holy Will In Our Day Today Life.

Inspiring Quotes From Blessed Katherine Kasper

Do Not Worry About Us Too Much, You Know That Our Loving God Is Our Comforter and Helper In All Things,. If Only We Have Child Like Trust In Him.

- Blessed Mother Mary Katherine Kasper -

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Today We Begin Novena to Blessed Katherine Kasper as the Preparation for the Foundation Day on 15th August.

Novena to Blessed Mother Mary Katherine

"The Holy Spirit Whom the Father Will Send in My Name Will Remind You of Everything that I Have Told You." ( John 14:26)

Christ Speak to Us through the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, The Spirit of Love.

The Holy Spirit was Active in Mother Mary Katherine, and She was Open to the Influence of His grace, was Attentive and Obedient. She often said: "The Holy Spirit in Me Has Told Me." 

When God's Spirit Moved Her to do Something, She did not tarry or falter.

"Blessed Mother Mary Katherine, The Holy Spirit Speaks to Me Too, But Very Often I do not Pay Attention to His voice, Often My Heart is too Lazy to Respond, so that I am not Obedient. I ask for Your Intercession so that I May learn to Follow God's Call in Unselfish and Ready Obedience.

I Ask you also, Help Me to Let God Be My Guide Concerning My Present Need. If it is God's Will, Ask Him to take This Problem Away From me, Help me to find out What God Excepts Me to Do in This Situation. His Holy Will be Done; Now and Always."  Amen!

Life For God as Option For the Poor

Blessed Mary Katherine Kasper, A Small Video On Blessed Mary Katherine Kasper.

The Cross in the Shadow of the Tree of Life, with Leaves symbolising the countries in which PHJC are living. The open Space behind the Cross gives Perspective. The Tree is rooted at the Cross. The root: The Charism of the Foundation in Katharina Kasper.

Life of Blessed Mary Catherine Kasper

Catherine Kasper was born in 1820 in Dernbach Germany. She was the third child of four children of Henry and Catherine Kasper, poor peasants with a deep religious faith. 

During her 6-14 years of age Catherine attended the village school. However she was  a  sickly  child and missed school often. Her formal education amounted to about two years.

When Catherine was 21 her father died.. Catherine became responsible for her mother. She began working as a hired hand for 10 cents a day to support her mother and herself.

Already as a child Catherine was sensitive to the needs of the poor in her village. As a young woman she began to help the poor and the abandoned and visited the sick. Her works of charity attracted other women of the village and with the encouragement of her spiritual director, she formed an Association of Charity.

Catherine's love for Mary, the mother of God was nurtured by her frequent visits to a small chapel dedicated to Our Lady of the Heilborn. Mary's faith response to what God asked motivated Catherine to respond in courage to the promptings of the Holy Spirit within her.

The promptings of the Spirit, a "voice within" as Catherine named it encouraged her to build a little house. With the permission of the bishop, about $1.50 in her pocket and much faith she began the construction in 1847. After her mother's death in 1848 she was able to move into her little house and devote more time to her works of charity.

In time four young women joined her and in 1851 this small group became a religious congregation. Catherine chose the name Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. She looked to Mary as the first handmaid as her model. Like Mary see listened attentively to the Spirit and responded with courage to the will of God.

Catherine, known in religious life as Mother Mary, died on February 2, 1898. Because of her radical following of Christ and her works of love, the Church beatified her as Blessed Mary Catherine Kasper on April 16, 1978. Her feast day is February 1.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Quotes From Blessed Mary Katherine Kasper

"Oh What Joy I Have in Being Able to Fulfill My Duties"

 Blessed Mary Katherine Kasper to Assistants on July 31, 1872


Katharina Kasper, Foundress of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, was born May 26, 1820 in Dernbach, Germany to her parents Henry Kasper and Katherine (Fassel). Her father had four daughters from his first marriage and he and Katharina’s mother had four children. Katharina is the third daughter in her family. As a young child, Katharina attended school in her village, helped in the family's potato patch, enjoyed reading, and did household chores like spinning and weaving fabric.

Katharina and her peers often walked to a Marian shrine near their village, singing songs while Katharina told stories about God and Mary. When she was 21, Katharina's father died, with the law dictating his property bequeathed to his first wife, (to the exclusion of the second Mrs. Kasper and her children). Consequently, Katharina and her 56-year old mother "lived in rent" with the Matthias Müller family, with Katharina working the land as a farm hand.

Because of her reputation for helping others, young girls gathered around Katharina. Together she and four other women formed the religious community called "The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ" and pronounced vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on August 15, 1851. Their ministry continued throughout Germany and spread the Netherlands, United States, England, India, Mexico, Brazil, Kenya, Nigeria.

Katharina Kasper, known as Mother Mary, died on Feb. 2, 1898. In acknowledgment of her good works, the Catholic Church named her Blessed Katharina Kasper on April 16, 1978.

The congregation of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ was established in India on November 25, 1970 at Dhani. Indore diocese, Madhya Pradesh. Today we can be found in 13 dioceses both in the north and south of India. 

AN ALERT YOUNG WOMAN NAMED CATHERINE STARTED IT ALL! She felt an urge to respond to the social needs of her day. Discovering that this desire was God's call to begin a community.

In 1851 she chose the name POOR HANDMAIDS OF JESUS CHRIST for this new religious congregation to describe the spirit that guided the community's actions. Katherine looked to Mary the first handmaid as her model. Today we describe this charism as attentive listening to the Holy Spirit and the courageous response of following God's will. 

Like Katherine our Attention is drawn to those who need help. We respond through a variety of ministries serving the poor and vulnerable in our midst. 

Today we are an international congregation of 800 Sisters in nine countries on four continents. Living and ministering in the same spirit of Katherine, Associates and members of Fiat Spiritus Community are Integral to the life of the congregation. Following Christ in the way of Blessed Katherine Kasper is very much alive today. 

Do you desire to serve those in need supported by community and prayer? Do you want to live Attentively and respond generously? Discover more about the Poor handmaids of Jesus Christ by visiting our websites.


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